ECN, Europe’s leading workplace media communication specialist today announced that over 350 workplaces are now connected to its managed content network.
Since launching in London in 2009, ECN has expanded its workplace communication network into Paris, Germany, Amsterdam and Brussels.
ECN’s managed content network connects asset and brand partners with European workplace talent on a daily basis, with the latest breaking news, local weather, travel and internal building communication. ECN provides the hardware and creates and manages the content for its asset partners whilst also offering brands the opportunity to connect with an audience of affluent consumers who also happen to be key business decision makers.
Charles Parry-Okeden, Global CEO of ECN commented:
“In the era of smart cities and connected buildings, a new workplace connects to ECN every 2 weeks. European workplaces increasingly recognise the importance of building as a service and a major component is connecting with occupiers/tenants – in the past 3 months alone another eighteen buildings connected to ECN and we expect another 25 to connect by the end of June 2018”.
Paul McBeth, International Strategic Sales & Marketing Director commented:
“Today’s workplace is a dynamic and collaborative environment and ECN’s workplace network enhances asset value by delivering a real time communication platform whilst also delivering a unique communication context for brands”.
ECN is owned by Executive Channel Holdings (ECH) and has offices in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich and Sydney.