Benefits of Digital Signage in office buildings
Now we’ve broken down the different types of managed digital signage, we’ll look at the two main benefits of digital signage in office buildings. While there are many advantages, including but not limited to; saving time, bringing receptions to life and modernising the overall feel of the building, the two benefits our clients most regularly praise are:
Real-time Information
One of the stand out features of digital signage is its ability to provide up-to-the-minute building information. This takes many forms including important building information (scheduled fire alarm tests / out-of-service amenities etc.), breaking global news, as well as weather and travel updates.
Managing an office building requires consistent, reliable communication with the building population about an array of updates and issues – for example, in the event of an emergency, building signage can be programmed to override scheduled content with safety information.
Other uses for digital signage include events, safety alerts, building maintenance and sustainability updates – and, with ECN, everyone in the building receives the necessary information on time.
From our initial meeting we collaborate with asset and building managers to ensure that the perfect blend of real-time information, based on their building’s needs, is played.
A Building Managers from a Savills Building comments: “Showcasing events and engaging both the public and occupiers through ECN has greatly benefited the building, fostering greater community involvement and interest in our initiatives.”
Brand Identity and Culture
Digital signage offers an excellent opportunity to reinforce a company’s or a building’s identity and culture. By displaying brand communications, you continuously remind tenants, employees and visitors of your ethos and values. This consistent reinforcement helps align everyone with the building’s vision and fosters a stronger, more cohesive workplace culture.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards are a good example of how an office building can showcase its achievements to enhance its brand identity and created a shared sense of community. The most typical content ESG content we see usually relates to power consumption and recycling.
9 in 10 of ECN building managers agree it is important to explain and communicate ESG initiatives with the building community, while 88% of tenants expect their office buildings to reduce its emissions. The level of transparency afforded by ECN screens promotes the sense of a shared goal by reminding and encouraging individuals and companies in the building to do likewise.
Want to learn more about the benefits of digital signage in office buildings? Contact us here to get in touch with the team.