The ECN Germany team attended EXPO REAL, which is Europe’s largest real estate investment and trade fair, spanning 64,000 square metres of floor space and 1,700+ exhibitors. Almost 39,000 delegates from 77 different countries were in attendance including UK, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and Spain .
This year’s fair covered a broad range of topics including Brexit and the challenges Germany faces demographically , with an aging population – and socially with the integration of 1 million+ refugees. There were many outstanding trade exhibitors including Helaba, who built a replica of the landmark MAIN TOWER in Frankfurt.
We had many positive meetings with German’s leading property partners, who expressed a strong interest in ECN’s proposition of establishing an internal communications network for the tenants in their building.
ECN Germany would like to thank EXPO REAL and other exhibitors for the positive response we received about our new market innovation.