
The stories that shape our world

With Justdiggit in KenyaArticle de blog

With Justdiggit in Kenya

Our UK Managing Director, Mr Richard Blackburn just returned from an inspiring and unforgettable trip to Kenya. Alongside fellow industry leaders, Richard spent the week witnessing firsthand the incre...

ECN expands network to BristolArticle de presse

ECN expands network to Bristol

We have taken the plunge into Bristol! Apart from being a leading business hub, Bristol is also the UK’s leading smart city having created a startup hub, attracting many tech firms. The first office...

ECN expands network to BordeauxArticle de presse

la nouveauté à Bordeaux

ECN France se développe sur les capitales régionales françaises pour  mieux accompagner ses clients: les foncières.Après Paris, Lyon, Lille et  Marseille , Bordeaux est  la cinquième ville ou...