Our UK Managing Director, Mr Richard Blackburn just returned from an inspiring and unforgettable trip to Kenya. Alongside fellow industry leaders, Richard spent the week witnessing firsthand the incre...
The stories that shape our world
Our UK Managing Director, Mr Richard Blackburn just returned from an inspiring and unforgettable trip to Kenya. Alongside fellow industry leaders, Richard spent the week witnessing firsthand the incre...
ECN France connects the 200th office to its managed digital signage network
200 buildings et 300 écrans ECN France franchit une belle étape de sa croissance et dispose aujourd’hui de 200 sites sur le territoire français entre Paris IDF, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux et Lille...
ECN expands network to Bristol
We have taken the plunge into Bristol! Apart from being a leading business hub, Bristol is also the UK’s leading smart city having created a startup hub, attracting many tech firms. The first office...
Optimum Nutrition launches world first 3D campaign across 850 DOOH screens.
Executive Channel Network (ECN), a world leading Digital Out of Home (DOOH) office media publisher, today announced it had launched the biggest ever 3D advertising campaign in partnership with Optimum...
ECN France se développe sur les capitales régionales françaises pour mieux accompagner ses clients: les foncières.Après Paris, Lyon, Lille et Marseille , Bordeaux est la cinquième ville ou...
Sustainability Update Executive Channel Holdings
In den vergangenen 12 Monaten hat Executive Channel Holdings große Fortschritte im Bereich ESG gemacht. Hier sind einige Highlights des Seustainaibility-Updates: CY23 Carbon Emissions Die betrieblich...